Monday, February 22, 2010

Indisputable Video Evidence

We were lucky enough to catch Anara's third and fourth rollovers on video.

Facebookers: Click "View Original Post" at the bottom to watch the videos.

Rollover #3:

Rollover #4:

Jamie says that Anara rolled over from her back to her belly today, but I didn't see it, so it hasn't officially happened.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rolling On The...Bed?

Anara can now roll over. Or, at the very least, she's done it a second time, implying that the first time wasn't a fluke.

And, thankfully, she learned how to roll from her belly to her back first.  Sorry, Marie, your curse didn't work!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Interactive Anara

Warning: The videos may not come through for those of you reading on Facebook.
Anara has reached the age where she's becoming a lot more interactive. She's moved beyond the early trifecta of eating, sleeping, and pooping. She's awake for longer stretches, and has started smiling and trying to giggle.

She's also starting to find her voice, mostly sounding like a cat or a bird.

She's found a way to express her displeasure instead of crying.

And, last of all, she's figured out how to imitate her mother.

Hopefully we'll have some video soon of her rolling over (she's considering trying it), or starting to eat (we're considering trying it).